This recipe, the one our Mom used, produces, hands-down, the best-tasting chocolate sundae syrup I have ever enjoyed. I've been making it, myself, for nearly a half century. This sauce has a rich chocolate flavor and, despite the sugar, still retains a hint of dark chocolate overtones. And it's pretty simple to make.
1 Cup Hershey's Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
4 Cups Granulated Sugar
¼ Teaspoon Salt
2 Cups Water
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1. In a suitably-sized saucepan, combine first three (dry) ingredients thoroughly. Mixing the powder into the sugar helps it to dissolve when the water is added in the next step.
2. Add Water and Vanilla and stir to mix well.
3. Heat to boiling, mixing continuously.
4. Simmer for three minutes, stirring often.
Hot or cold, over ice cream or whatever comes to mind
Mix into hot or cold milk
In refrigerator.