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Uh, hot cocoa, anyone?
It's a, uh...uh, a Cajun
recipe I found on the net—
Chocolat au Lait Carbonisé
—Blackened Cocoa!
There are two basic rules to dealing with cooking mistakes when presenting food to family, guests or customers:
1. Take full credit whenever anything turns out good, even if you screwed up. You simply say, "Thank-you. I had a feeling that it would be good this way."
2. When things turn out bad, blame the recipe. For instance, you can say "That is pretty bad, isn't it? I got this recipe variation on line; it was supposed to add a flavor layer, but not like this. Let's chalk it up to scientific research; that's one formula we know doesn't work. More wine?"
Trust me, all professional chefs know these two rules and follow
them assiduously. Chefs do not make cooking errors—it's just a

So, when it comes out great, you're an artist; when it fails miserably, you're a scientist. It will give your guests confidence and allow you to learn from your mistakes in peace.
This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook — try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun! Julia Child, My Life in France
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle