. . . . Higgledy-piggledy in every respect. It is what it is. Enter and use at your own risk. . . .


Coffee: A New Brew Review

This "cold brew" is my favorite coffee, to date, after decades of trials of various methods and brands. Not to put too fine a point on it, it is born of laziness. Nonetheless, it packs the most flavor and the least bite.

It is a considerably different preparation from that in an earlier entry,  Coffee Press—A superior coffee experience?

This method creates a 1:3 coffee concentrate which I keep in the fridge in mason jars. I shake the jar to re-oxygenate the concentrate prior to each use, then mix 1 part part coffee concentrate with 3 parts water, then nuke. Here's the gist of the concentrate preparation: I place

- 200 grams (by weight) McCafé Medium Roast in my

- Bodum  51 ounce/1.5 liter coffee press which I

- Fill with hot (~120°F/50°C) tap water, mixing with a (non-metallic to avoid breaking glass) spoon or other implement (I use a wood stick that used to be a spatula handle). Note, my tap water is fairly neutral, but not all are. I replace the lid but do NOT depress the plunger  (See parts in Coffee Press—A superior coffee experience?). Then I

-  Allow the "cold" brewing coffee to rest on my counter top for 24 hours, at which point I

- Depress the plunger on the coffee press (it can resist so support it to avoid bending the plunger or tipping the pot) until all the grounds are at the bottom. Next, I

- Pour the coffee liquid in equal measure into two mason jars, which I put in the fridge. Then I

- Refill the pot with hot tap water, using the very same grounds, mixing the same way, recapping, but NOT pressing the plunger. I allow that to 

- Rest another 24 hours, then repeat the pressing and decanting into the same two mason jars.

PRESTO! Approximately 64 ounces of coffee concentrate, which I keep in the fridge.
